Computer How To's

Download Audio Driver

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When you click on a link to download a file, a "File Download" dialog box will open. By default, the "Save to Disk" option is selected. This doesn't mean "Save to Diskette" or the floppy disk, but rather save to a disk (hard drive) on your computer.

The is the standard dialog box, save to disk.

If you click "OK" a "Save As" window opens.


Clicking on the Desktop will save your file to the desktop. This makes it easy to find.

"Save As" is the Window's title. Directly beneath that is a "Save In" text box. The folder that appears in the box is the last place something was saved to. To change this folder, click the black drop down arrow on the right side of the "Save In" text box. When the selection list opens, it shows a "tree" or "pathway" to various locations on your computer.

Just click on the Save Button to begin the download!

If you click on "Desktop" for example, the "Save In" box would now show "Desk Top". Take note of the file name (they can sometimes be hard to remember), then click "Save".


You can check the Close Dialog box option if you like. If you do not check it, the box will give you an Open option when the download is compete.

Download Progress Dialog Box


This is how the file will appear on your Desktop.

When the download completes, your file will be on your Desktop with the file name that was displayed in the "File Name" box. Then you double click on the file to open or install the file.


Clicking the OK will begin the decompressing process.

WinZip Self Extrator

Click OK


Click the Unzip button and the file will be saved in the Windows Temp Folder.

The file is being Extracted to the

C:\Windows\Temp Folder


Success! Almost done.

Successfully Unzipped!

Click OK


After the computer restarts, your new audio driver will be installed.

Click Yes and the computer

will restart and complete the

installation of your new Audio Driver

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Links to other "How To's"

How to download and use WinZip to extract compressed files

How to download and install Programs

How to change file associations

How to save and find files

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How to disable background applications in both Win95 and Win 98

How to block porno and other unwanted email messages in Outlook Express

How to download and install an Audio Driver from Hewlett-Packard

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To the right of the F12 key.

How to use the copy/paste function of your computer.

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