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Rough animation drawing, Mulan, 1998.

Clean-up animation drawing,
Ducktales, circa late 1980's.

Production Drawings

About Drawings - Production drawings come in a variety of differnet sizes depending upon the nature of the scene involved. Typically animator's work with field sizes to create character animation. 12 field animation refers to the size of the of the paper that the animator is working with as well as the scope of field for the eventual camera shot. There are many different sizes depending how the drawings are being created for field vision. Sleeping Beauty in the mid 50's was created using technirama or widevision 70mm. Drawings from this feature and Lady & the Tramp may be over 30 inches across to accomodate the large field of vision. Common field sizes for animation is 12 and 16 field.

Rough - this type of drawing is generally the first animator's attempt at bringing a character or special effect to life. Characterized by a very free formed sketch, this drawing typically is not overly defined and is produced rather quickly to build the overall motion.

Key animator's - this type of drawing is produced by the lead or supervising animator to outline the overall motion for a character of special effect. It can be rough or fairly clean and is identified by a timing chart for the in-between artist. This timing chart usually in one of the corners of the drawing, informs the in-between artist the number drawings he must create to smooth out the motion.

In between - this drawing is produced by an artist working with the lead animator to help smooth out the motion for character or special effect motion. These drawings are created so that they can be placed "in-between" the key animator's drawing to help fill out the intended motion.

Cleanup - this drawing is used for the creation of production cels. It is created using the rough drawing to draft the character from a blurred sketch into a finely detailed image of the character. The clean-up artist brings into focus the key animator's intended design for the character or special effect motion.

Rough animation drawing, Donald Duck,
Mickey's Circus, 1936.

Key animator's drawing,
Sleeping Beauty, 1959.

In between drawing,
Clock Cleaners, 1937.

Clean-up drawing,
Pocahontas, 1995.

Layout - this drawing is created to draft out the stage for the animator's scene. It identifies the static elements of the stage for special effects or character animation that the animator must work with to convey the overall story. Typically these drawings are wider in scope to allow for the movement of a character(s) and can be separated on many different levels to plan for the depth of the final camera shot. These separate levels for the layout are often called "books." Layout drawings come in different forms of detail and are designs for the overall background paintings.
Layout drawing, interior of cottage in the glenn,
Sleeping Beauty, 1959.
Layout drawing, opening sequence,
Simba's Pride Lion King II, 1998.

Copyright 1996, The Animation Artshop, Inc.
Last Updated Februay 1, 2000
Mickey Mouse and other related images Copyright, Walt Disney Company