Welcome to the home page for Ultralight Flyers of
Alaska. Take a look at What's New. Our Club meets the
2nd Friday of every month (hospitality of Mike Jacober) at the home of Arctic Sparrow Aircraft at the Birchwood
Airport in Chugiak, Alaska. Click below for:
Map to Birchwood
Our purpose is to promote the sport of Ultralight flying in
particular as well as to provide a forum for safety education, the exchange of technical
information, access to a flying site and pilot training.
On this site you can access information about the club and it's

See the Favorite
Links page for the current weather at various Web Cams around the State of
The following is a list of recent additions to our web. Whenever we add anything to our
web, we'll put a notice here. Every month we'll remove the oldest items. The
most recent changes are listed first, and each item is linked to the page with the updated
July 4, 2001
- Updated the Club Officers, added link to more club pictures (Thank's to Jeff Hansen),
added the March-April newsletter (Thanks again Rob!), and updated the members listing and
email addresses..
March 8, 2001
- Added 2001 Newsletter (Thank's to Rob Stapleton for the electronic copy!). Added
some pictures from Pete Marsh of the 2000 Summer Solstice (Thanks for the pictures Pete!).
Updated some links.
September 11, 2000
- Check out our new look! Alaskan summers just can't be wasted.....sorry for the
delay in updating the page. Watch soon for new pictures!
February 13, 2000
- Updated the Members Page and added Alaska Web Cam Links!
February 5, 2000
- Updated the Club Officer's List and added pictures of Jerome List's Air Creations
Clipper and the Poker Run from Thanksgiving 1999 with special thanks to Dr. Jerome List
for providing the pictures!
December 9, 1999
- Added meeting dates for year 2000.
July 27, 1999
- Added Photos of a cross-country flight from Birchwood to Homer flown by Dave Vernoy. See
the pictures on the Events Page.
July 15, 1999
- Updated Events listing, Added Mid '99 Newsletter and updated Photos.
June 25, 1999
- Updated Events listing, Added Winter '98 & Spring '99 Newsletters in Adobe Acrobat
April 8, 1999
- Updated Events listing with Summer Soistice Fly-In. Added new photos and updated some
February 1, 1999
- Updated Members listing. Added couple of new photos. Added Safety Note!
December 27, 1998
- Updated Members listing with AFI & BFI designations. Also added 1999 meeting
dates to events page.
November 15, 1998
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