The Purple Cow
was here
The Purple Cow's

Udderly Delicious

Wow, here it is folks! The new and improved Udderly Delicious Page. This area just kept growing and growing and it was simply out of control. Hopefully, I will be able to manage it better now. As you can see, the recipes are all catagorized now.

Dishes includes entrees, side dishes, soups, and casseroles

Desserts contains those tastey tid bits that follow main meals

Drinks are, well, drinks - hot and cold for young and old

Salads has pasta salads, green salads, fruit salads, dinner salads

Snacks are light little munchy things - this is where you go to find cookies, dips, crackers, veggie snacks, etc.

Share a Dish is where you can type in your favorite recipe and send it directly to The Purple Cow!

Links is where I am going to put all the recipe and cooking sites I enjoy and use

I hope you enjoy the new format. Now, it is up to you to help me fill it up!

The Purple cow
was here too
E-mail your suggestions or comments to The Purple Cow