Pretty puppy
The Purple Cow's

Coffee Brakes

    These are some of my favorite coffee stops and what makes them so special:

    Chocolate Spoon Espresso

      This is located on the north side of the Glenn Hwy at approximately mile 187 in downtown Glennallen.
      A really cheerful coffee lady and prepay punch cards.

    Bizarrio Espresso

    A small purple drive thru building located in the parking lot of the Tesoro in Sutton along the Glenn Hwy.
    Lollipops for the kiddies and a chocolate kiss for you.

    Mocha Dan's

    After a recent trip to Fairbanks, I discovered that Mocha Dan's can no longer be found in the Fairbanks Fred Meyer store on Airport Way. A starbucks is going in. I am not a big fan of Starbucks - in a pinch perhaps - but only then. The drive thru along Geist Road across from the University is still in business, however. 
    This was the first coffee stop I ever frequented.

    Bad Ass Coffee Co

    Located on Harbor Drive in Valdez across from the docks. A drive thru can also be found in the parking lot of a daycare center on Northern Lights Blvd in Anchorage. The proprietors were careful not to expose young eyes to their name, so the sign is only on one side of their building.
    A chocolate covered coffee bean!

    Expresso Exit

    Located near the intersection of the Glenn and Parks Highways. You can drive through headed in or out of Anchorage. What started out as a small drive through coffee stand has expanded to a permanent building and even an enclosed gazebo where you can enjoy your beverages and snacks.
    Daily specials and chocolate mints and lollipops or animal crackers for the kids, plus an ever expanding menu to appeal to all tastes makes this particular coffee stop extraordinary.

E-mail your suggestions or comments to The Purple Cow