1 Fund deferred maintenance of Alaska’s deteriorating state and local public facilities, including roads, schools, ports, harbors, water and wastewater systems, airports, jails, police and fire stations, landfills, and other critical facilities. There is a growing backlog of deferred maintenance that must be corrected within five years by consistent annual appropriations.
2 Maintain Alaska’s Education System by:

• For FY 99, increase education funding by at least 3% per student, plus continue to adjust education funding for any changes in enrollment (without reducing other municipal programs or revenues).

• Initiate a process involving local governments to address the findings of the AML/ACoM/AASB/ASAA Education Formula Survey.

• Ensure maintenance of the level of educational opportunities at all campuses of the University of Alaska.

3 Consider creating a Community Dividend Program to help develop Alaska’s communities for citizens while assuring every Alaskan continues to receive an individual Permanent Fund Dividend.
4 Authorize municipalities to levy special local taxes on the sale or use of alcohol.
5 Fund Municipal Revenue Sharing/Safe Communities and the Municipal Capital Matching Grant Program at least at the FY 98 level.
6 Create a long-term funding mechanism for the Power Cost Equalization Program.
7 Adopt a municipal recreation liability statute for skate/bicycle parks similar to the statute governing ski area liability.

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Juneau, Alaska 99801
Fax (907) 463-5480
Phone (907) 586-1325