Well there I am...

My name is Erika and I live in Anchorage, Alaska. I love it up here and wouldn't ever want to live anywhere else. I work in a coffee shop and shoot the shit with people for 6 hours a day, some people call it a job, I call it play! Speaking of playing, on my free time I like to go camping and road-trippin with my friends, and just basically anything I can do outside!

One of my best friends, JJ

JJ and I smokin' in the woods

My folk's dog, Cheyenne, in SC

Same dog, after a good scruffin!

I've got some more pictures on the odds and ends page, and I've more links on my Links page, I've also got a great Alaska page. By the way here's my first attempt at a page.


Last updated 9/1/99 by me

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