The Fantasy World Set - Tentatively titled Galenglen

These worlds are still very much a work in progress. Here is a MAP of the outer worlds that circle the city.
There are presently 16 worlds planned for the outer ring of worlds, 10 of which have been partially completed. Most of these are nothing more than landscapes at present and none are fully done. The visitors to these worlds will have an interactive story unfold (through an interactive HTML sidebar frame) as they travel through the worlds. The story's ending will very much be decided by that visitors accumlated interactions with these worlds objects and characters.

The River Worlds

River1 Wizard's Vale Nearly complete. Interactions and opening chapter to do.
This is the most complete of the worlds. Several of the objects show the intent of this series. The wizard will appear in the final version only when he is summoned by knocking at the tower door. If the participant has visited the Room of Fire and gotten the magical globe in the room the wizard will reward him by inviteing the participant along on a journey through the worlds. Only by giving the wizard the sphere can access to the other worlds through the portals be gained. Once the wizard has left his tower (no link), it may be entered. A boat is also available, but this will leave the participant completely at the mercy of the river.
River2 The Black Forest Partial landscape only.
Bend in river. Through a path to the forest there will be a simple cottage. If the participant waits here long enough. The immortal, Cuyhogen, will appear. Whether he is helpful or not depends on what items the visitor to the cottage has interacted with.
River3 The Rapids Landscape only.
The river turns into rapids descending into the lower areas. A landing for the boat allows the visitor access to a side entrance to the city, or to stairs cut into the cliff that lead up to the upper area of this world. Other objects to be determined.
River4 The Barrows Landscape only.
An ancient battle area containing monuments to the dead. Entrance to The Underworld (no link) where dead warriors advance the storyline by telling their tales.
River5 The Port Landscape only.
Seaport and main entrance to the city. Sailing ships, one of which will carry the visitor across the sea to the Isle of Mirrors (no link) if the right gift is offered. If the captian is offended by the wrong gift the visitor will be put adrif in a dingy once out to sea and must make their own way back.
River6Gondor Landscape only.
The walled city of Gondor (no link)
River7The Towers Landscape and the two towers.
Falls in the river make this world passable in only one direction. Side entrance to the city available. Two towers on the upper plain. The white one in ruins. The Black Tower (no link) is the abode of a powerful king. Unless the visitor has gained much wisdom and power while visiting the other worlds the dark king will imprison him in his dungeons (no link)
River8 Isle Partial landscape.
There is a Village (no link) on the slopes of the mountains. The throne of kings on the isle. Access to the throne can be gained only by garnering all of the wisdom the worlds have to offer. Sitting on the throne rolls the closing credits.

The City Worlds

No work has been done inside the city as yet. There will be three main areas containing an undetermined number of worlds.
Area 1 - The lower levels. Much danger exists here.
Area 2 - Worlds of a renisance fair type. Games and puzzles.
Area3 - The royal court. Many things to be gained in this area.


Blue Wizard
White Wizard Arelan the Traveller
Ariel the Minstrell
Dark King
City King
King of the Dead-
Sea Captain
Royal Advisor
Prince of the City
Princess of the City
Captain of Gondor
City Dungeonmaster
Monsters (trolls and orcs)
Various shopkeepers, wanderers, and townsfolk.