"An Ounce of
Prevention is worth
a Pound of Cure"

Page 3
Your Mutual Help
& Occupany Agreement:







Say over the winter, Mother Nature drops a mountain of snow on your roof, a spring rain soaks the record snowfall and your roof caves in. Who's responsible: BBHA, the builder, or you?

You are. Page 5, Article VIII of the MHOA you signed makes it pretty clear: "The Homebuyer shall be responsible for routine non-routine maintenance of the home, including all repairs and replacements (including those resulting from damage from any cause)."

Like an earthquake or a flood, a record snowfall may be an act of God, but allowing that much snow to build up on the roof would be an act of foolishness. Shoveling the roof is the routine maintenance required of the homeowner that could have prevented the roof's collapse -- and neither the builder nor BBHA is is to blame for the homeowner's neglect.

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Providing affordable, safe and sanitary housing for low and moderate income residents of Southwest Alaska