::path// Ilium Rise : Projects : Biography of a Machine

Troy Lawlor : Biography of a Machine

Biography of a Machine is a collection of songs that I've worked on over the past few months. They're a combination of keyboard, guitar and electronic instruments recorded and mixed at home on my Macintosh. The album tells the story of a man seeking a connection to his emotions as he gets involved in a grand conflict as a mechanical war machine. My goal was to compare the dehumanizing effects of war and technology in a compelling fashion. The result was a little bit on the dark side, but it seems as if it's hard to write bright and happy concept albums. The following is a tracklisting, including running time. Clicking on a song's title will take you to its lyrics if there are any.

01. Factory
02. The Barrel
03. Moment
04. Hexadrone
05. Eternal Frost
06. Industrialist Experience
07. Shallow Sky
08. Next Place
09. Shell
10. Mercury's Touch
11. Wall Ahead
12. Shutdown
13. Waiting Room


Promo MP3, 2.9 megs, 3 minutes : A sampler, which contains a few seconds from every track on the album.

Eternal Frost MP3, 2.7 megs, 3 minutes : The entire song, "Eternal Frost", from the album.

If you like what you hear, and would like to purchase a copy or are interested in hearing more tracks, contact me at iliumrise@mac.com and we'll work it out. A more convient and automated method of distribution should be available soon.

copyright 2001 troy lawlor all rights reserved. designed on a mac art: photoshop html: bbedit
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