British Isles Tour 2001

Day Fifteen:  Wednesday, July 11, 2001

11:30 p.m. in Anchorage:  I just got off the phone with Matt.  The group had a fun trip to Aberdour.  The members of St. Fillan's Church were very friendly.

To get to Aberdour, they drove across the Forth Road Bridge (not to be confused with the famous Forth Railway Bridge) that spans the Firth of Forth from South Queensferry (10 miles west of Edinburgh) to North Queensferry.  I was also given a few more details about this fancy, double-decker coach they've been touring in.  Apparently it is equipped with TV screens from which some of the kids have watched "Men in Black" and "Lost in Space"!

Here are some links to some of the things
the group did today: 

Morning:   They toured the entrance to Edinburgh Castle. (This page takes a while to fully download, but is well worth it.  Scroll down to "guided tour of Edinburgh Castle").

Afternoon:  They went to Aberdour, an historic village in the Kingdom of Fife, located across the Firth of Forth from Edinburgh.  (See map) The group attended a tea provided by members of the local parish.

7:30 pm:  They gave a concert at Aberdour's local parish, St. Fillan's Church, part of which dates to at least 1123 AD.  St. Fillan, patron saint of the church, came to Scotland from Ireland in the 8th century.  Robert the Bruce is said to have given thanks at this site for his victory at Bannockburn in 1314.

More Links

Aberdour Scotland

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Stained glass window of St. Fillan's Church
the artist mistakenly calls it St. Finan's Church

Places to Visit - Aberdour Castle - Scottish Culture

The Forth Bridge to Aberdour

Forth Bridge Railway

St. Fillan

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