Bartlett High School
Class of 1990

Bartlett 1990 class list -- MIA list
browse senior pictures
Bartlett homepage --
about this page -- contact us

Crest from our senior sweatshirts - VENI VIDI PARTI

Our 30th reunion is August 7-9, 2020 (rescheduled from June 5-7.

Prices: TBD

Join the Bartlet 1990 Facebook group to get info and get involved, or email us.

If you can't come, send photos of what we're missing! Email them to

Please send us your contact information.

30-year reunion contacts:

TBD, chair
TBD, treasurer
TBD - directors
Royce Williams, geek

The Bartlett 1990 20-year reunion -- archived information
The Bartlett 1990 10-year reunion -- archived information and photos. /
was last updated: 2020-01-18