Secure Order Form
This secure server software encrypts information, ensuring that Internet transactions stay private and protected. Your name, email address, and credit card number--plus everything else about your order--can't be read by anyone else as the information travels from your computer to ours. And once it reaches us, your credit card number is removed from any network sytem connected to the internet. The safety and security of your order is of great concern and not taken lightly!

Last Name:
First Name:
Company Name:
Your E-Mail Address:
Credit Card #:Visa, MC, Amer. Expr.
Expiration Date:MM/YY (10/98)
.....($245.00) Wapapi 2.0 for Delphi.

Please send along any comments you might have.

What Will Happen
Within 24 hours after you submit this form you will be emailed a registration code that can be used to register and fully enable your copy of Wapapi. If for any reason you do not hear from us, Please email to or call 907-278-1231 and let us know about the problem. We work very hard to get the software to you as quickly and promptly as possible.