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Alaska Facts II

アラスカのまめ知識 2

チュガッチ山脈 -- Chugach mountains
The Fact is:

Anchorage is nestled between the Chugach mountains and Cook Inlet.  And here's a view of the mountains courtesy of  It updates every couple of minutes. Just refresh your screen for the update. Please note the only light source is the sun.  During darkness the view is almost black.


アンカレッジはチュガッチ山脈とクック湾に囲まれています。この山並みの光景は 提供の Live cam で、数分ごとに更新されます。スクリーンをリフレッシュながらご覧下さい。光源は太陽のみで、夜などの暗い時はほとんど真っ黒です。


Alaska  Time


面白いこと - FUN FACTS
There are at least 25 species of mosquitoes in Alaska.
The state insect is the Dragonfly. (They eat those pesky mosquitoes!)

Alaska has more than 3,000,000 lakes. 


If you were to visit each one for 20 minutes you should plan on spending the next 114 years (transportation time not included).


The Alaska Highway, one of the most remarkable construction feats in history, is just short of 1,500 miles long. Pushed through in eight months of 1942 as a wilderness trail, and completed in just two years, the Alcan lies within some of the most beautiful, yet forbidding, terrain in North America. Today it is still the only road linking Alaska to the lower 48 states.

Attention Ladies:
The male population in Alaska is the highest of any state at 52%.
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アラスカ  ハイウエーは歴史上最も注目されるべき工事功績の一つでほぼ2500キロにいたる。1942年に山間道路として八ヶ月間に押し拓けられ、たった二年で完成された。アルカン(アラスカ/カナダの略) とも呼ばれ、北米一の絶景を争うが油断を許さない地帯にある。今日にいたっても「下の48州」とつながる唯一の道路である。
Is it a paradox considering all this road building expertise that Alaska remains the only state in which you cannot drive to the state capital?