Orange Julius Protein Shake

1 3/4     C.       Cold Water
2           TBS.    Protein Powder N-R-G
1            tsp.    Crystal Light,  Pineapple - Orange flavor
1            tsp.    Orange KoolAid (Dry - No sugar added)
2           TBS.    Da Vinci Vanilla Syrup - Sugar Free
1            TBS.    Da Vinci Coconut Syrup - Sugar Free
1/8        C.        Heavy Whipping Cream
1/4        tsp.     Guar Gum Powder (opt.)
16          sm.      Ice Cubes

Put all ingredients into the blender, stirring between each item.
Cover and blend on low speed (pulse) for a few seconds, (this helps crush the ice better) then on high speed for about 30 seconds.  When done, it should be thick and smooth.

When using Guar Gum Powder, it's important to blend immediately upon putting it in the liquid.

Approximate Nutritional Information Per serving:  218.6 Calories; 11.0g Fat; 24.6g Protein; 2.3g Carbohydrate