Poultry Shipping Crisis

The airlines, Post Office, PETA, and Congress all play a part in the currently degrading situation for shipping live chicks and other poultry by airmail.

For the latest updates and archived reports of the history of this situation visit:.......... Bird Shippers of America

March 17, 2006
We Need Your Help:

The ability to ship poultry to you is being threatened by unwarranted accusations 
from animal rights groups AND the inability of the Post Office and their air 
carriers to deliver our products in a timely and efficient manner.

On the Bird Shippers of America website ( http://www.birdshippers.org ) is a 
summary of the legislation Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) introduced in the 
U.S. Senate on Friday, March 10th. The three points Senator Grassley makes, as 
well as information regarding avian influenza (Bird Flu), are extremely important 
to the continued success of shipping live poultry through the U.S. Postal System. 

We need your help, and the help of your friends, to make this proposal - law. 
 For your convenience we have set up a webpage on the Bird Shippers of America 
website Link Here where you can  print a 
custom letter  to be Mailed or Faxed to each of your Senators.  If you feel strongly 
about your right to receive birds through the mail, or your business or hobby 
would endure severe hardships if you could not receive birds, please take the 
time to submit your letter.  All of us in the bird shipping business greatly 
appreciate your help in this most important issue. 

Thank you.

Murray McMurray, Chairman
Bird Shippers of America

March 7, 2006
From Joel Rosen of Postal Service:
Lives Acceptance Information

It is the US Postal Service's objective to assure the widespread availability of acceptance points for lives mailings and to accept every lives mailing for which there is available transportation and for which there is a reasonable expectation that the viability of the lives will be protected while in the postal system.

All shipments of live animals will be coordinated and cleared through the USPS District Expedited Services Office (ESO). Mailers of lives are to call the ESO when they have a mailing. The ESO will then advise the mailer where the lives are to be deposited for mailing and will advise the accepting office when a lives mailing is to be expected.

In general, the ESO is to make every effort to accommodate the mailer’s chosen point of deposit, but may direct a mailer to an acceptance point other than the mailer’s preference, based on available transportation and, in the case of large-volume lives mailings, based on the capability of a retail site to handle large volumes.