Suggestions for Goat Raisers A. Goats are Native to arid and often mountainous regions. They, by nature, are browsers, not grazers. They have little or no natural immunity to internal parasites. When we turn them into grazers, it is necessary to rotate grazing areas at least once a week. This will decrease the parasite infection rate and increase the forage production. B. Coccidiosis is a leading killer of goats. Most aduld diarrhea is caused by Coccidia. It will not be cured by scour products. Sulmet or Sulfadimethoxine are acceptable treatments. C. Winter Pinkeye can be avoided in goats by making sure they readh down, and not up, for hay. A high hay rack allows dirt and hay bits to fall into the goat's eyes. The irritation allows a pinkeye infection to become established. D. Goats need protection from cold rains and snow. It is essential that goat housing be very clean and well ventilated to prevent pneumonias and off-flavored milk. **