Computer How To's

Downloading WinZip

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Note: If you already have WinZip installed, you can go to Using WinZip page.

If WinZip is already installed, you'll see this entry


When you select a file to download, you'll see two dialog boxes. These set your preferred type of download and the save location on your computer.

In the first Dialog box, (File Download)

the default setting is, "Save to a disk". Click OK.

Click the OK button



The second Window, "Save As" opens. The selection box at the top labeled "Save In" is where you select the location on your computer where you wish to save the file.

Select "Desktop" and the file will download to your desktop.

Also, note the file name in the text box at the bottom where it says, "File name:". Often these names are hard to remember, so take note of what it is. It is unnecessary to change the "Files of Type" box for this download.

Then just click on "Save" and the download will begin. Once complete; locate the file you saved to your desktop and double click on it to begin the installation process. Just follow the onscreen prompts.

Desktop Icon

Now, to download the WinZip Utility program, you can download it at:

This page will open

Click on the link above to go to the download site.

Click the "Download Evaluation Version" link

Then click either of these links.

I recommend saving this to your Desktop to make it easier to find after the download completes.

Note the installation instructions

This is a shareware program, free to try for 30 days, $30 to keep

Click on the evaluation version. This is a self-extracting file so when you double click to install it, it will set itself up. During the setup, it will ask if you want to use WinZip classic or the WinZip Wizard. I would recommend the WinZip Wizard as I think this is easier.

Click Here to go to the Using WinZip Page.


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