Anchorage Chapter Newsletter
September  2000


Hello Anchorage!

It’s Thursday night & this is due to Larry Nakata tomorrow.  Hmmm…  How did this happen.  Too much sailing?  Too much recreating?  Too much relaxing?  I don’t know.

It’s time to get into the swing of things.  Summer is coming to an end and it is time to buckle down and get some work done.  Some of your Anchorage Chapter Executive Board members have continued to meet throughout the summer.  We have come to some conclusions.  One is that it is time to cut back to quarterly meetings for the General Membership.  Continuing monthly meetings is not required at this time.  If additional meetings are needed they can be scheduled.  If you are interested, the Chapter Executive E-board will continue to meet monthly, the first Wednesday of the month at the ASEA office.

The contract negotiators, ASEA staff, get out the vote volunteers, strike planning committees and the Statewide Executive Board did amazing things to pull us together.  I am totally impressed when I look back at what we were able to do when we worked together.  Let’s continue….

In Solidarity
Patrick W. Morrow
Anchorage Chapter President


Come “Dance the Night Away”. The Anchorage Chapter, ASEA Local 52,  is having a dance and social evening event on Saturday, October 14th, 7:00 to 11:00 PM at the Anchorage Hilton. We’ll have a  live band with lots of  hors d’oeuvres. Cost will be $10/ticket for advanced purchase and $15 per ticket at the door. Tickets will be available September 6th. Contact Art Goldberg, your shop steward, Anchorage Chapter E-board member, or come to the GGU meeting September 13th at Carpenters Hall.   It should be a lot of fun.  Put it on your calendar . Come participate in the evening’s events…..Art Goldberg/ Pat Morrow.


It is time.  Take it seriously.  This is your one time option to convert to Personal Leave.  This is not a surprise if you have been on the ASEA planet this year.  For more information contact a Steward, Chapter Officer, ASEA Staff, or the Department of Administration, Division of Personnel.

Congratulations to our Anchorage Chapter
Scholarship Winners

HEALTH BENEFITS TRAINING- An Idea that is Blooming

At our Anchorage Chapter Summer picnic in July, we voted to send two Anchorage Chapter members on Health Benefits training so they can help to keep the rest of the Chapter get informed.  Congratulations go to Judy Morris and Gordon Glaser.


We need six great trustees.  ThEse people will take on the task of developing our health care plan.  It is a huge tAsk for volunteers.  Three of the trustees will be appointed by the Statewide Executive Board and three wil be elected.  One from each of htree regions will be elected.  The three regions are Anchorage, Southeast, and Fairbanks/Rural.  The number of members is approximately equal in each of the three regions.

The trustees need to be people that are experienced in handling medical insurance claims, medical insurance policy, health program policy, statistics, accounting, or have been a trustee on some previous program.  This is a big deal.  The budget is large.  The potential to do great things for the membership is great.  Give it a great deal of thought and discussion.
