AKNAFWS Regional Conference Technical Sessions

The Native American Fish & Wildlife Society (Society) is having its annual Alaska Regional Conference April 7-9, at the Anchorage Hilton. This years theme is Tribal Stewardship Our Connection to Mother Earth. Especially relevant to Alaskan tribes are the conference's technical sessions.

The recent supreme court decision regarding the status of Indian country in Alaska is a discouraging setback to tribal management of natural resources. However, there are some facts that must be remembered. First, Alaskan Natives have retained over 44 million acres of land. And, simply due to Alaska’s immense size, no centralized agency can effectively administer any program without effective partnerships. There are many opportunities for tribes to act as stewards of their lands. Stewardship activities may include assessment; documentation and protection of key habitat and rearing areas, enhancement; restoring and enhancing vital streams and wildlife feeding and rearing areas. The Society also recognizes that an important part of stewardship is educating our young people, in traditional values, practices and wisdom. This years sessions are the result of careful thought by the conference planning committee, and are designed to support tribal managers in their efforts. There will be technical sessions on Wildlife Management, Fisheries Issues, Ecotourism and Habitat Enhancement.

I believe that we must always keep moving. The decision is a setback, but only that, a setback. There are many opportunities for tribes to keep strong, active roles in managing their resources.

To be effective stewards of the resources, it is vital that tribes effectively navigate the complex network of overlapping jurisdictions, regulations, grants and agreements. To support tribal resource managers in this work, the conference features technical sessions and panels on; Co-management, Funding a natural resource program, Traditional methods of conflict resolution, Indigenous sciences and Developing natural resource management plans.

For more information, contact the Alaska Regional Office of the Native American Fish & Wildlife Society.
For conference information, call 907-257-2704.
We look forward to seeing you soon.
Michelle Davis