The annual Alaska Regional conference was a great success. More than 120 people from throughout Alaska attended. The conference theme was “The Importance of Traditional Knowledge and Wisdom to Strengthen Tribal Technical Capabilities.” Among the conference highlights were the presentations by Jana Harachek, Esther Illutsik, Howard Luke, Herb Hope Sr., and Alice Petravellii sharing traditional know-ledge from their regions and cultures. The written word is not able to convey the strength and inspiration which could be found within their presentations. Each has made a thoughtful study of their heritage and learned well.

There has been a great deal of discussion about the importance of traditional know-ledge and wisdom. It is vital that Native communities continue to apply this know-ledge to the care and protection of their na-tural resources. Jack Lorrigan, Sitka Tribal biologist, and Tlingit tribal member, gave an example of how STA was able to use traditional knowledge about herring to seek changes in regulations and harvest limits to protect that vital resource.

Larry Merculieff was re-elected to a two-year term as one of our Alaskan regional directors. He will continue to serve with Adelheid Herrmann. Congratulations Larry!

This conference enjoyed outstanding support from the USFWS. Many of their employees were able to attend, and their contributions really added to the conference’s success. We would especially like to thank Dave Allen & Robyn Thorsen for ensuring that USFWS staff from throughout Alaska were able to attend. Thanks also to Duncan Brown, USFWS Native American Liaison, for his contribution of knowledge, time and interest in the issues and concerns of the Alaska Region.

An auction as held to raise funds for the Alaska Regional Scholarship fund. Thanks to the auctioneers (Ken Poynter & Larry Merculieff), and many, many donors, enough was raised so the Alaska region will make it’s first scholarship awards this fall. Special thanks to Howard Luke, for his generous gift of a beautiful, hand made sled. We will raffle it off this fall, and the proceeds will support the Alaska Regional Scholarship fund. Special thanks to Barbara Carlson, The Nature Conservancy, Shirley Kelly, Adelheid Herrmann, Artique, and Alaska Native Arts and Crafts for their donations of auction items. There were many, many other donors, and we extend a special thanks to each one. Without you, we could not make the Alaska Regional Scholarship a reality.

The conference was successful in large part due to the hard work of the planning committee. Special thanks to Adelheid Herrmann, Larry Merculieff, Jack Lorrigan, Jude Pate, Ray Neilson Jr., Bert Adams Sr., Aquilina Bourdukofsky and Karin Holzir. Another vital part of the conference was the annual traditional feast. Thank you to Eddie Clark for the delicious caribou, Alaska Gourmet Seafoods, the Tundra Club, Sitka Tribe and Ray Neilson Jr. for herring eggs, rockfish and fresh salmon. Special thanks to the cooks, Ray Neilson Jr., Edna Swindels, Candy Asplund and Violet Wilson, for their hard work. They prepared a wonderful dinner of traditional foods for more than 120 people. The guests enjoyed dancing by the Tlingit and Haida Dancers of Anchorage and the Kiqaput Dancers. Thank you to the Tlingit & Haida Dancers for their contribution to the regional scholarship fund.

Thank you to the staff from the NAFWS National office for their time and support. To Ken Poynter for his presentation (and auctioneering!) to Sally Carufel-Williams for information about the Youth Practicum and Patrick Durham, presenting about funding sources and also about technical services available from the national office. There are so many people and organizations to thank for their support. Without each of their contributions, the conference would not have been as successful. We’d also like to thank the Nature Conservancy of Alaska, the USFWS, the National Bank of Alaska for their generous donations.