Dojer, Ltd. (Call before diving at Smitty’s Cove to avoid conflict with barge movement)        (907) 472-2499


Whittier Tunnel Schedule (Don’t get trapped on the wrong side or have too little time to dive) http://www.dot.state.ak.us/whittiertunnel/schedule.htm -- Basic schedule information is also available by calling 566-2244 from Anchorage, or toll-free (877) 611-2586, or listen to AM 530 radio in Whittier or AM 1610 in Portage.


DIVE EMERGENCY                             911


WHITTIER POLICE                             472-2340

         Officer cell phone                       441-0355


WHITTIER FIRE DEPARTMENT              472-2340


WHITTIER AMBULANCE                      472-2340

DAN (Divers Alert Network)                     +1-(919) 684-4326 (collect in emergency) or

+1-(919) 684-8111

Dr. George Stewart                              (907) 275-0063 [pager]


Emergency Rooms:

         Providence Hospital                       (907) 261-3111
         Alaska Regional Hospital                 (907) 264-1222
         Elmendorf AFB                           (907)


Recompression Chamber (American Divers, 600 W. 58 Ave., Anchorage)


Access through:


Providence Emergency Room  (907) 261-3111                 



Dr. George Stewart     (907) 275-0063 [pager]


Air Ambulance:


Providence Hospital              (907) 261-3070


Alaska Regional Hospital        (907) 258-3822


Alaska State Troopers                  (800) 658-8892


U.S. Coast Guard Emergency         VHF Channel 16

                                             CB Channel 9






(Original form prepared by Bob Hicks)